Saturday, 4 April 2015

Boutique Bakes | Mini Egg Cookies

Happy Easter folks! I for one am loving this four day weekend malarkey- seeing family and friends, going for walks in the new Spring sunshine (about time) and baking lots of Easter treats! I actually started baking Easter treats in the form of Mini Egg Cookies last week for my work bake off and as they went down so well I wanted to share the recipe with you. I based my baking on this recipe from a lovely little food blog, but made a few tweaks to make it easier and more fool proof. So if you want to make quick, easy, chewy and utterly delicious Easter goodies to have with a cup of tea tomorrow just follow the below: 

Makes 21 medium cookies

1 cup non-salted butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar, packed
½ cup white sugar
2 eggs
3 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 90g bags of Cadbury Mini Eggs

1. Preheat oven to 190°/Gas Mark 5.
2. Cream together the butter, brown sugar and white sugar in a bowl.
3. Add eggs and vanilla and beat with a wooden spoon until with smooth(ish).
4. Add flour (sieved), baking powder and salt, then beat again until all of the ingredients are combined.
5. Seal the Mini Eggs into a plastic bag and crush them into bits and pieces using a rolling pin.
6. Put aside some of the bigger crushed egg pieces to use later and mix the rest of them into the cookie batter.
7. Using a teaspoon, roll into rough one inch balls and place onto a baking tray topped with ungreased baking paper. They seriously spread out so I'd recommend 9 balls max per tray and lots of space between.
8. Bake for 9-10 minutes.
9. Remove from oven and push the saved larger egg pieces into the top of the cookies
10. Using a spatula, place the cookies on another sheet of baking paper to set and cool.

And enjoy! What have you been baking this Easter?


  1. Fabulous post Meg! Snap! I made mini egg cookies yesterday :-) yours look scrumptious and you look so elegant in the photo. Have an awesome Easter chick! :-) xx

    Helen | Helens Fashion & Beauty Blog

  2. These look incredible!

  3. These look so good, fab idea, anything with mini eggs in totally wins me over ;). I made some mini egg cupcakes yesterday, currently eating one now haha.

    alice x | beautybyalicee | bloglovin'

  4. These look delish, Meg! Hope you're having a super lovely Easter break! x

    Temporary:Secretary // Fashion and Beauty Blog

  5. These look amazing! Major cookie craving now! x
    Rachel Coco

  6. They look so yummy =]

  7. Haha I know this post is about cookies, but may I just say your hair is amazing here!

  8. they look so good and yummy <3

  9. Amazing cookies.

  10. Random comment- how do you get your knives to stay like that in the air? Is it magnetic? I need it!


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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