Wednesday, 4 March 2015

LFW Backstage Beauty Report

A week has passed since all the fashion madness ended at Somerset House, so I figured it was about time I got round to writing up my LFW report. I got to go backstage/watch so many amazing shows this year from Julien Macdonald to Henry Holland and loved every minute of capturing the hair, makeup and nail trends for AW15. But rather than bore you with every little detail, I thought I'd give you a bite sized breakdown of what trends to expect, why you should buy certain products and which looks to give a go now.

AW15 LOOKS | flawless skin, natural skin, contoured cheek bones, flushed cheeks, dewy highlight, fake freckles, copper wash shadow, graphic liner, smokey eyes, minimal mascara, natural full brows, intense berry lips, just bitten lips, metallic nails, pastel polish, matte topcoats, halo braids, textured tresses, wet to dry finish. 

BACKSTAGE PRODUCTS | bourjois nude sensation foundation, topshop cheek jelly, mac paintpot in 'stormy pink', topshop freckle pencil, maybelline brow drama, maybelline lash sensational mascara, bourjois rouge edition velvet in 'grand cru', l'oreal techni art range, babyliss styling tools, l'oreal elnett, essie matte topcoat, bioderma

TRENDS TO TRY | matching lip and cheek using the same rosy product in both places, blended out with fingers. matte nails created by painting a matte topcoat on soft feminine colours such as lilac. braids mainly of the halo variety teased for an undone finish. dewy glow achieved by mixing a nude eye pencil/lip balm on top of the cheek bones. 

What were your favourite LFW looks this season?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, fashion week ... I really hope one day i'll be able to go backstage too ! :)

    Love from France, Victoria


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