Monday, 31 March 2014

Bloglovin | March Edition

Come and meet the lovely ladies who have been occupying my sidebar this March (I assure you they both write highly addictive reads for beauty lovers!) and make sure to get in touch if you fancy making your own little home here in April...

Hi I'm Aimee from Aimee Loves. I started my blog in January this year after realising that i needed to justify my ever growing stash of beauty bits. My main focus is beauty, but i do like to sneak in the occasional baking or lifestyle post. I love having my own space on the web where I can chat about what I love, there is something quite therapeutic about it really. I have loved my blogging journey so far and how its turned out, I hope that you will too!

Hi.. I'm Gemma and I blog over at Miss Makeup Magpie, and have done since December 2012. I post product reviews daily, with the occasional haul, wishlist, giveaway and more. I'd love for you to come and take a look, and say hi... I love discovering new blogs. Gem xxx

What blogs have you been loving this month?


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