Saturday, 28 December 2013

My Christmas in Pictures

one more sleep / the festive face / nom nom / tiny trees / home sweet home / furry cuddles / santa's been busy / beautiful michael kors / mulled wine lovin'

A belated Merry Christmas lovelies! I hope you've all had an amazing few days growing big food babies, playing ridiculous games with your families- charades anyone?- and opening lovely presents from Santa. I've had a really nice Christmas this year- my boyfriend drove me home on Christmas Eve for my yearly family friend gathering then two days of festive fun, films, family and feasting ensued! Today I've braved the sales with my home girls (madness, I know!) and now I'm looking forward to another week off work spending time at home relaxing and rejuvenating for the New Year, as well as sorting my 'What I got for Christmas' and '2013 favourites' posts/videos of course...

What were the highlights of your Christmas? 


  1. Looks like you had a lovely Christmas :) Can't wait for the Christmas haul and 2013 favourites! Love your new layout, by the way.

    Abundance of Erica

  2. You look so cute in your onsie! Merry Christmas :)
    Water Painted Dreams xxx

  3. Looks like you had a lovely Christmas :) xxx

  4. I love the onsie in the first photo! So adorable! xx

  5. You look to have had a lovely christmas! That MK watch is beautiful!

    Beth | BethBlogsBeauty


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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